The ever so "practical" Lace Sports Bra is back - this time in black. Looks great but you need some ninja skills to manage it so I'm labeling the stain risk level as "high." You will need to take .
Looks best with S to Medium Smooth busts but may cause traffic accidents with Large Smooth. This set includes both the bra and shorts. Do note that if you planned to have the then you need to also get the too - this is because the shorts that come with this set are not long enough to do the peeking.|レーススポーツブラセットがブラックで新登場。レースは染めたものなので色移りする可能性はなくもないです。S胸〜Mスムーズは最も似合いますが、LスムーズでもOKです。九州産。